Sanibelbreeze Ember Flame *Era* lebt bei Katja, Thomas und Alisha Niederhauser in Oberwangen
HD/ED: AA/00
Augen: HC/PRA/RD: frei, Gonio frei
Sanibelbreeze Enjoy Pisco, *Pisco* lebt bei Anita Schwegler und Andreas Trachsel in Frutigen
HD/ED: AA/00
Augen: HC/PRA/RD: frei, Gonio frei
Sanibelbreeze Esprit of Ebony *Ela*, Ella lebt bei Marianne Brand und Damian Wyrsch in Mettmenstetten
HD/ED: BB/00
Augen: HC/PRA/RD: frei, Gonio frei
Sanibelbreeze Especially for Me *Souky*, Souky lebt bei Gaby Keller in Grenchen
Sanibelbreeze Especially for Me *Souky*
Geboren: 1.3.2015
HD/ED: AA/00
Augen: HC/PRA/RD: frei, Gonio: frei
Retriever Show, Avenches, 27.9.2015, Jüngstenklasse vielversprechend 2
6,5 months of very nice type, good head, good neck and topline, enough forechest, good depth of body, enough angulation in front, well angulated behind, a bit slopping croup moved quite
Richterin: Marjo Jaakkola, Finnland
Clubshow Aarau, 7.6.2015 Puppyklasse, vielversprechend
Very typical baby, she has a nice head, nice eye shape good neck and well constructed front, plenty of bone, very balanced in body for her age, moves soundly, confident for her
Richterin: Sandra Stevenson, England
Sanibelbreeze Evening Sky, *Sky* lebt bei Renate und Guido Hochstrasser in Spiez
Retriever-Show Avenches, 27.9.2015 Jüngstenklasse vielversprechend 1
6.5 months, masculine with a nice head, good neck and topline, well bodied, good bone, good depth, balanced angulation, moved quite well, with enough reach and drive.
Richterin: Marjo Jaakola, Finnland
HD/ED: AA/00
Augen: HC/PRA/RD: frei, Goniodysplasie: frei